The Top-10 Homesteading Podcasts – All elements

Homesteading is a beautiful way of life that preserves what matters — the skills to live a healthy self-sufficient and sustainable life.

Homesteading is a beautiful way of life that preserves what matters — the skills to live a healthy self-sufficient and sustainable life.

You’ll find a stronger connection to your neighbors and the land once you start down this journey. And whether you are a beginner or an experienced homesteader, podcasts are an excellent way to stay informed, learn new techniques, and be inspired.

Plus, you can listen while doing your work and chores around the homestead! Here are the top homesteading podcasts that you should check out.

“ Nunc auctor, enim ut lacinia egestas, mi tortor condimentum sem, sit amet fermentum leo urna blandit tellus. Fusce convallis sapien vel mauris laoreet gravida. Nulla nec ipsum felis. Donec quis egestas dui, vestibulum suscipit magna. Sed et quam volutpat erat bibendum volutpat. “

The Top 10 Homesteading Podcasts

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1. The Urban Farm Podcast by Greg Peterson:

This podcast is hosted by Greg Peterson, an urban farmer and homesteader. In each episode, Peterson shares his experiences and knowledge about growing food, raising livestock, and living a sustainable lifestyle in the city.

Click here for more information on this podcast.

2. Pioneering Today with Melissa K. Norris:

Join author, blogger, and homesteading expert Melissa K. Norris as she shares her practical and inspiring tips for self-sufficient living in the modern world. From growing and preserving your own food to raising livestock and making natural remedies, Melissa shares her knowledge and experience to help you create a more sustainable and fulfilling life.

Check out the podcast here!

Top Homesteading Podcasts - A Farmish Kind of Life
Nunc auctor, enim ut lacinia egestas, mi tortor condimentum sem, sit amet fermentum leo urna blandit tellus. Fusce convallis sapien vel mauris laoreet gravida. Nulla nec ipsum felis. Donec quis egestas dui, vestibulum suscipit magna. Sed et quam volutpat erat bibendum volutpat.

3. A Farmish Kind of Life:

Get a glimpse into the simple life of homesteading and farming with Amy Dingmann, as she shares stories, tips, and insights from her own experiences raising livestock, growing food, and living a sustainable lifestyle. Whether you’re a seasoned homesteader or just starting out, this podcast offers plenty of practical advice and inspiration for anyone interested in living closer to the land.

Here’s the link to the podcast!

4. Pantry Chat with Homesteading Family:

Josh and Carolyn Thomas of The Homesteading Family help folks live healthier, more secure lifestyle with greater sustainability and self-sufficiency.

It doesn’t matter if you’re in the city or the country, if you’ve ever wanted to explore the homesteading life, this is your chance to learn how to do it in less time with fewer bumps in the road. It’s like sitting down with a cup of coffee with friends.

Round up your cast iron pans and mason jars and start listening!

Listen to the podcast here.

“ Nunc auctor, enim ut lacinia egestas, mi tortor condimentum sem, sit amet fermentum leo urna blandit tellus“

5. Homesteady — Stories of homesteading farming hunting and fishing:

Join Aust and the Homesteady crew for a wide-ranging exploration of homesteading, farming, hunting, and fishing.

From raising chickens to building a log cabin, this podcast offers practical advice and inspiration for anyone interested in living a self-sufficient lifestyle. Each episode features interviews with experts and real-life homesteaders sharing their own experiences and tips for success.

Check it out here:

Here are some links to subscribe to the podcast!

Top Homesteading Podcasts - The Chicken Whisperer
Nunc auctor, enim ut lacinia egestas, mi tortor condimentum sem, sit amet fermentum leo urna blandit tellus. Fusce convallis sapien vel mauris laoreet gravida. Nulla nec ipsum felis. Donec quis egestas dui, vestibulum suscipit magna. Sed et quam volutpat erat bibendum volutpat.

6. The Chicken Whisperer by Andy Schneider:

This podcast is hosted by Andy Schneider, a homesteader, and expert on raising chickens.

In each episode, Schneider shares tips and tricks for raising chickens, as well as interviews with other homesteaders and experts.

Here’s a link to the radio show here!

7. The Modern Homesteading Podcast

Join Harold Thornbro and Rachel Jamison as they talk about everything homesteading!

Topics include gardening, livestock, permaculture, food preservation, foraging, hunting, fishing, and the know-how and skills that will help you in your homesteading journey, and occasionally they have guests and we get to hear about what others are doing on their homesteads.

Here’s the show!

8. The Permaculture Podcast by Scott Mann:

This podcast is hosted by Scott Mann, a homesteader and permaculture expert. In each episode, Mann shares his knowledge and experiences about permaculture and sustainable living, as well as interviews with other homesteaders and experts.

Check out the episodes here!

9. The Homestead Journey:

This lovely little podcast is dedicated to the pursuit of self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and sustainability.

Brian is a 4th generation homesteader located in beautiful upstate NY. Along with his wife, Bonnie (also a 4th generation homesteader), and their son Brian Jr., Brian has been actively homesteading on a 2-acre piece of land since 2008.

This podcast is dedicated to their journey and is a call for others to join them in pursuing self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and sustainability. This podcast hasn’t been updated since last September, but the backlog of information is excellent.

Check it out here!

10. Old Fashioned on Purpose Podcast:

Have you ever felt worn out by modern life? Or maybe the idea of simple living and a more wholesome lifestyle for your children speaks to you?

Join best-selling author and homesteading mentor, Jill Winger for practical tips, inspiration, and stories from more than a decade of modern homesteading.

If from-scratch cooking, organic gardening, backyard chickens, or rows of mason jars light you up, this is the podcast for you!

Here’s the link to the show!

So there you go!

Check out these podcasts for new and creative ideas that will inspire you on your homesteading journey!

Whether you are just starting out or are an experienced homesteader, you’ll learn some valuable insights and practical advice on how to live a self-sufficient lifestyle and grow your own food.

So, if you’re interested in homesteading, be sure to subscribe to one or more of these podcasts and stay informed, inspired, and connected with the homesteading community.

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  • Nunc auctor, enim ut lacinia egestas, mi tortor condimentum sem, sit amet fermentum leo urna blandit tellus. Fusce convallis sapien vel mauris laoreet gravida. Nulla nec ipsum felis. Donec quis egestas dui, vestibulum suscipit magna.
  • Sed et quam volutpat erat bibendum volutpat. Nunc auctor, enim ut lacinia egestas, mi tortor condimentum sem, sit amet fermentum leo urna blandit tellus. Fusce convallis sapien vel mauris laoreet gravida. Nulla nec ipsum felis.
  • Donec quis egestas dui, vestibulum suscipit magna. Sed et quam volutpat erat bibendum volutpat.


Nunc auctor, enim ut lacinia egestas, mi tortor condimentum sem, sit amet fermentum leo urna blandit tellus. Fusce convallis sapien vel mauris laoreet gravida.

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